18th September 2024


University denies ‘bloated bureaucracy’ accusations after new Interim Senior Assistant Deputy Pro-Vice-Anti-Chancellor-elect appointment
RAG Jailbreak looking ‘very literal’ this year, says spokesperson
Student body stunned after Student Union finally does something

What is the Porter’s Log?

The Porter’s Log is a student-run satirical website which publishes articles and cartoons about life at the University of Cambridge. Our ‘Outside the Bubble’ section focuses on news from elsewhere. We are not affiliated to the Student Union, to the University or to any college or society. We are financially independent (i.e. our budget is £0) and are not run for profit.

 All the team members are students at the University from a range of colleges.

Our work is made up and is not intended to be taken as fact.

Get involved

If you’d like to join the team as a cartoonist or writer, send a cartoon or piece of comic writing of at least 200 words to Feel free to include more than one sample of your work and please make sure to include your name, college and year of study in the email subject.

for about page

© The Porters Log 2021
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of material on this site without express and written permission from the site’s owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that clear credit is given to The Porter’s Log with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.