18th September 2024

Meet Lavender, The Plog’s new sweet-smelling blog


Lavender Editor Jamie Shelf introduces our new bitesized, light-hearted, fun-loving platform for literally everything student journalism is missing – and much, much more.

It’s baffling. Wherever I go in Cambridge I have heard people complaining about the quality of student journalism. ‘Why could this be?’, I’d find myself asking, as – oops! – I hand in yet another essay late! Well, – I think to myself as I row to the library via Sainsbury’s can only be because students aren’t writing about what students are really interested in!

We present to you, Lavender, because Cambridge needs an outlet for students to talk about the things which really matter – to them. Think of Lavender as The Porter’s Log’s blogging platform, which is what it is – and more. From now on, we’re going to be focusing exclusively on the issues which matter to every one of you out there and making sure we all talk a lot more about breakfast, brunch, biscuits, breakfast and cafés.

Over the next 8 weeks, together, we are going to go on a #journey through lands flowing with gluten-free peanut butter fritters and soya milk. But we’re not only going to focus on delicious delicacies of the edible kind (i.e. food), we’ll also be getting our teeth into the serious issues. At Lavender, whether it’s the geopolitical fallout from climate change or the multi-faceted problems posed by Donald Trump’s presidency, we believe no story is too big to be reduced to a blog-shaped blip in the Twittosphere. We want to make a real, human connection with you, dear readers, so follow us on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter.

So to wrap up then, this is all about you and nothing to do with me, Jamie Shelf (Lavender Editor, Michaelmas). This is the blogging platform that puts you first. You called, we answered. You rang, we picked up. Okay, I think we get the message! (Because you sent it).

So my takeaway is this: Do not fear, Lavender is here. We’re here to carry you through those dark Cambridge days, when there’s no light. We’re exactly what you’ve been waiting for and vice-versa (and versa-vice). We’re so alike. I row/act/play hockey too. We know each other. We met on a swap. I’m a Cambridge student. We’re friends!

So to sum that all up, let’s look forward to the future. Alex Drayne gives us the ultimate review of one of Cambridge’s hottest new cafés, Steven Parsley gives his official, final verdict on Cambridge’s best paninis, and Tara Lamp explains why Donald Trump really just needs a hug.

Enjoy Lavender, by the Plog. Proudly sponsored by Toilet Duck (fragrances other than lavender also available).