25th October 2024

Easter 2021

PLog Lawyers – NO WIN, SOME FEES!

Following Senior Deputy-Pro-Vice-Co-Assistant-Chancellor (Education & Spiritual Astrology) Graham Virgo’s email regarding complaint procedures, we are excited to bring you a very important message from our partners at PLog Lawyers:

Apology – The Porter’s Log

The Porter’s Log staff and writers would like to issue an apology in relation to the recent article concerning the Cambridge Union.

Shhhhh… Sexponentials

Following a plea from the Robinson College JCR, the Faculty of Mathematics would also like to assure that they too are dealing with issues regarding the volume of sex:

Gates’ RAG Blind Date

Following the announcement of his divorce from Melinda, his wife of 27 years, Bill Gates wastes no time getting back on the market by signing up for a RAG Blind Date:

Drinking socs are back and their initiations are wilder than ever

After a year of Zoom social after Zoom social, Cambridge’s distinctive drinking society population was on the brink of extinction. Sodomy is harder from home, and shouting “up the boys!” at a parental figure doesn’t…

The PM’s DMs

After the revelation that Boris Johnson’s personal phone number has been publicly available online for the past 15 years, a source at Number 10 has leaked his inbox to The Porter’s Log: